Innovation for a sustainable future: SILON CZ R&D takes research and development to the next level

Innovation for a sustainable future: SILON CZ R&D takes research and development to the next level
On the 1st January 2024, SILON Group welcomed a new addition — SILON CZ R&D. The decision to found an independent subsidiary focused on research and development is due to the high level of interest in expert support for R&D projects on the part of both customers and government organisations on a domestic and European level.

This move is in line with SILON’s strategic goal to support innovation and technological advancement in the modern materials sector. “We believe that this change opens up new opportunities for growth, innovation, and sustainable development, both for us and for our partners and customers,” explained Šuchrat Saidov, SILON Group CEO.

Thanks to its specialised production lines and measuring devices, and especially its team of chemists with overseas experience in the special polymer and composite material segment, SILON CZ R&D is planning to not only maintain but expand its role within leading projects, which bring about new technologies and materials with a high added value.

With this new focus on the development of innovative applications and products, along with improving the sustainability of materials, SILON CZ R&D is fast becoming an expert in the sustainable solution sector and is open to working with external partners. The company boasts a highly-qualified team of developers with strong academic backgrounds in chemistry, including those qualified to the Czech PhDr. level, and offers a wide range of services, including expert material engineering consulting, leading and implementing development projects, and manufacturing and testing prototypes. As an independent expert partner, SILON CZ R&D is also engaged in the drafting of technical papers and studies.

Heading up the new company are Martin Sedláček and Kamil Rozsypal. Both have many years of experience working at SILON. Sedláček is a graduate in Chemistry, Technology and Properties of Materials from the Brno University of Technology (BUT), and has led SILON’s research and development centre for the past two and half years. Previous to this, he amassed a significant amount of experience in the electrical engineering industry working for one of the largest cable manufacturers in Europe. Rozsypal is responsible for the company’s financial management after spending eight years as Head of Controlling at SILON Group.

In the photo on the right is Martin Sedláček, CEO of SILON CZ R&D, on the left is Kamil Rozsypal, who is responsible for the financial management of the company  

“The newfound legal independence will allow us to, among other things, continue to expand our research and development work, potentially winning public research contracts from the European Union in the process. In alignment with the global trend of the circular economy, we are monitoring the carbon footprint of our products, even in the development process, and devising measures to reduce it,” added Sedláček.

This year, SILON CZ R&D also wants to acquire laboratory accreditation and plans to become more involved in international sustainable development projects in the near future. It is also keeping a close eye on new European legislation pertaining to ESG.

Author: SILON s.r.o.
  • SILON s.r.o.

    SILON s.r.o.

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