Injection moulding
Katalóg overených dodávateľov z oblasti vstrekovania plastov pre ČR a SR. Vstrekovanie plastov je termodynamický cyklický tvarovací proces. Jedná sa o najpoužívanejšiu technológiu pre spracovanie termoplastov, termoplastických elastomérov, polymérnych zmesí, kompozitov, ale aj reaktoplastových kaučukov a gúm. Technológia vstrekovania plastov svojim princípom vychádza z technológie tlakového liatia, avšak pri výrazne iných teplotách spracovania a tokových vlastnostiach tavenín termoplastov.
Medzi hlavné služby našich dodávateľov v katalógu patrí vstrekovanie plastov, teda výroba výrobkov z plastov pre automobilový priemysel, stavebníctvo, spotrebný priemysel a ďalšie odvetvia. Firmy tiež poskytujú montáž, balenie, skladovanie a logistiku.
Pre novinky, aktuality a trendy navštívte naše odborné články na tému vstrekovanie plastov.
Lock shaft - serial production by 3D printing from cotu s.r.o.
7.3.2025 This case study explores the use of 3D printing in the mass production of lock shafts for ASSA...
Ing. Lubomír Zeman: Melt flow index and its use in thermoplastic injection moulding technology - theory and practice part 5
27.12.2024 Ing. Lubomír Zeman, a recognized expert in the field of plastic injection moulding and author of...
Ing. Lubomír Zeman: Melt flow index and its use in thermoplastic injection moulding technology -...
20.12.2024 | Ing. Lubomír Zeman, a recognized expert in the field of plastic injection moulding and author of... -
Ing. Lubomír Zeman: Melt flow index and its use in thermoplastic injection moulding technology -...
13.12.2024 | Ing. Lubomír Zeman, a recognized expert in the field of plastic injection moulding and author of...
Ing. Lubomír Zeman: Melt flow index and its use in thermoplastic injection moulding technology -...
6.12.2024 | Ing. Lubomír Zeman, a recognized expert in the field of plastic injection moulding and author of... -
Ing. Lubomír Zeman: Melt flow index and its use in thermoplastic injection moulding technology -...
29.11.2024 | Ing. Lubomír Zeman, a recognized expert in the field of plastic injection moulding and author of...
History of the Czechoslovak plastics industry in interviews of witnesses (VII./VII.)
18.10.2024 | The main theme of the memorial talks is sharing the informations. Without this sharing, the early... -
History of the Czechoslovak plastics industry in interviews of witnesses (VI./VII.)
11.10.2024 | The sixth part of the series of interviews with the monuments of the Czechoslovak plastic industry...
History of the Czechoslovak plastics industry in interviews of witnesses (V./VII.)
4.10.2024 In the fifth part of the series of interviews with memorials of the Czechoslovak plastics industry,...
History of the Czechoslovak plastics industry in interviews of witnesses (IV./VII.)
27.9.2024 As the previous interviews describe, the Czechoslovak plastics industry was in its early days...
History of the Czechoslovak plastics industry in interviews of witnesses (III./VII.)
20.9.2024 | Zdeněk Řehulka, who has worked with molds all his professional life, also accepted the invitation... -
WITTMANN BATTENFELD at the Fakuma 2024 with top-performance energy-efficient injection molding...
18.9.2024 | At the Fakuma from 15 to 19 October, WITTMANN BATTENFELD will present to its visitors...
History of the Czechoslovak plastics industry in interviews of witnesses (II./VII.)
13.9.2024 | The continuation of the series of interviews with memorials who stood at the birth of the... -
History of the Czechoslovak plastics industry in interviews of witnesses (I./VII.)
6.9.2024 | In cooperation with ARBURG, we have prepared a series of interviews with memorials who were at the...
HASCO: a century built on the dedication of our people
26.7.2024 | On 22 June 2024, a celebration full of joy and memories took place right at the headquarters in... -
PrecisionMolding injection moulding machines from KraussMaffei - the optimal technology for data...
4.7.2024 | Farmers and livestock breeders around the world rely on Datamars’ Livestock Identification...