IRISA, výrobní družstvo

The main program of the cooperative is the pressing and assembly of thermoplastic products. We process the entire portfolio of plastic materials. We cover the production of plastic parts and their subsequent finishing operations (vacuum plating by aluminum vapor deposition, tampoprint, ultrasonic welding).

We are a certified supplier of automotive parts for other industries as well.

Plastic molding shop

  • plastic injection molding
  • surface treatment
  • assembly work
  • vacuum forming
  • maintenance, service and mold production



ISO 9001 - Quality management systems,
EN ISO 14001 - Environmental management systems,
ISO/TS 16949 - Quality management systems.Particular requirements for the application of ISO 9001:2008 for automotive production and relevant service part organizations

Assortment / Services

  • Plastic injection moulding - production focus
    Production of technical mouldings
    Production of appearance mouldings
    Production of vacuum-formed products
    Production of packaging
    Manufacture of household utensils
    Vacuum coating of plastics
    Tampon printing
    Screen printing
    Ultrasonic welding of plastics
    Assembly work
    Mould maintenance, service and production: Tool room

  • Surface treatment - vacuum coating, pad printing

  • Assembly work - UZ welding, manual assembly

  • Vacuum forming - processed materials - thermoplastic films and plates from HPS and PVC with a thickness of 0.15 - 4.00 mm

  • Maintenance and servicing of moulds:
    production of moulds for plastics and rubber, vacuum tools up to a total weight of 5t 
    production of precision components up to 500kg

  • 3D measuring equipment, microscope - Optical inspection device

  • Possibility to provide surface treatments

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