The WITTMANN Group looks into the future with optimism

The WITTMANN Group looks into the future with optimism
For the WITTMANN Group, the fiscal year 2022 was characterized on the one hand by a high order intake, which was well above average especially during the first half of the year. On the other hand, the tight situation regarding the supply of purchased parts, in particular electronic components, prevented the realization of an increase in sales over the previous year.

The sales figure of 376 million € for 2022 was roughly on a par with the previous year’s level.

However, considerable progress was achieved with the WITTMANN Group’s numerous investment and building projects. Apart from new investments in ultra-modern machining centers at three production plants of the WITTMANN Group, the extensions to the buildings of WITTMANN BATTENFELD in Kottingbrunn/A and WITTMANN Robottechnikai Kft. in Mosonmagyarovar/HU were completed in 2022. The additional areas of production floor space now available will primarily serve to increase the production capacity for injection molding machines. The extension of the Hungarian facility has also enabled an increase in the production of Tempro temperature controllers and robots of the new series equipped with R9 control systems.

The additions to the main building of WITTMANN USA Inc. in Torrington, CT/USA will be completed on schedule within the next two months, to offer additional space for automation solutions and complete injection molding cells in future.

Another ongoing project is the new building of the Hungarian sales and service organization WITTMANN BATTENFELD Kft. in Törökbálint, near Budapest. Its competition is planned for the end of the second quarter of 2023.

Last year, the total number of the WITTMANN Group’s production plants was increased by adding a facility in Dilovası, Turkey. The main focus of this plant’s operations will lie on sheet metal and metal processing, and will also include complete products for the WITTMANN Group’s range of auxiliaries. After 1 ½ years of preparation, it was possible to start series production of the first auxiliaries on January 1, 2023. In the first stage, an area of 3,600 m² production floor space is available. The activities will be steadily increased over the coming months and years, to support the operations of the WITTMANN production plants in Austria and France. The advantage of the new Turkish location is the presence of a growing labor market, which will not be subject to demographic change in the next few years, but instead continue to provide a reservoir of skilled industrial workers. This constitutes an optimal solution for the WITTMANN Group to meet its needs for future growth.

New WITTMANN facility in Dilovası / Turkey  

For the current fiscal year, Michael Wittmann, President of the WITTMANN Group, expects once again an increase in sales, from today’s perspective to the order of about 10%. This estimate is based on the fact that the company started into the year 2023 not only with a high order backlog, but also with the market beginning to show signs of improvement in the supply situation. Michael Wittmann comments: ”With our energy-efficient and powerful machines and products, we are in a strong position and can look into the future with optimism”.

Author: Wittmann Battenfeld CZ spol. s r.o.

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