WITTMANN Competence Days 2024 - We live molding.

WITTMANN Competence Days 2024 - We live molding.
On June 19 and 20 of this year, the WITTMANN Group extends a cordial invitation to visit its Competence Days 2024 held at the MARX Hall in Vienna. Under the motto “We live molding”, guests can look forward to specialist presentations focusing on digitalization, plus a number of interesting exhibits.

The Competence Days of the WITTMANN Group have a long tradition. For WITTMANN, they are a platform to present to its customers and partners novelties from their product range, and to demonstrate their competence not only in existing technologies but also in the area of future-oriented topics. This is evidenced by numerous exhibits from all product segments of the WITTMANN Group, which means machines, robots, auxiliaries and even complete, fully integrated work cells.

The overview of the Group’s range of machinery comprises all-electric machines from the EcoPower and MicroPower series, including the EcoPower DC machine powered by direct current and equipped with a robot and a temperature control device operating with direct current as well, moreover a model from the servo-hydraulic SmartPower series, by which the future “Holoverse” technology will be demonstrated – a study about intuitive interaction potential with injection molding machines, robots and auxiliary appliances. Another machine from the SmartPower series comes with a complex automation system from WITTMANN BATTENFELD Germany.


Fig. 1: Digitalization – a focal point at the Competence Days


Furthermore, a wide range of robots, temperature controllers, flow regulators, material dryers, conveyors and blenders, as well as granulators will be exhibited, including several novelties. On a powerful temperature controller combined with an intelligent flow regulator, WITTMANN will demonstrate ultra-modern temperature control technology, which improves process reliability and significantly reduces energy consumption as well.


Fig. 2: The WITTMANN Group’s product portfolio


In addition to presenting the above-mentioned exhibits, various specialist presentations will be held to illustrate many different aspects of digitalization. Dr. Mikula Thiem of VDMA will present a summary of this topic.

On Wednesday evening, Ingemar Bühler, General Manager of Plastics Europe Germany, will open the program with his keynote speech “AI and Digitalization – the Gamechangers for the Plastics Industry “. Afterwards, the WITTMANN Group will invite its guests to a leisurely dinner at the MARX Hall.

In addition to this program, guests of the Competence Day will also have the opportunity to visit some of the WITTMANN Group’s production plants this year. On offer are company tours at WITTMANN Technology in Vienna, at WITTMANN BATTENFELD in Kottingbrunn or at WITTMANN Robottechnikai in Mosonmagyaróvár (Hungary).


The WITTMANN Group is a globally leading manufacturer of injection molding machines, robots and auxiliary equipment for processing a great variety of plasticizable materials – both plastic and non-plastic. The group of companies has its headquarters in Vienna, Austria and consists of two main divisions: WITTMANN BATTENFELD and WITTMANN. Following the principles of environmental protection, conservation of resources and circular economy, the WITTMANN Group engages in state-of-the-art process technology for maximum energy efficiency in injection molding, and in processing standard materials and materials with a high content of recyclates and renewable raw materials. The products of the WITTMANN Group are designed for horizontal and vertical integration into a Smart Factory and can be interlinked to form an intelligent production cell.

The companies of the group jointly operate ten production plants in six countries, and the additional sales companies at their 37 different locations are present in all major industrial markets around the world.


Obr. 3: Registered seat of Wittmann Battenfeld CZ spol. s r.o., Malé Nepodřice 67,Dobev, Písek


WITTMANN BATTENFELD pursues the continued strengthening of its market position as a manufacturer of injection molding machines and supplier of comprehensive modern machine technology in modular design. The product range of WITTMANN includes robots and automation systems, material handling systems, dryers, gravimetric and volumetric blenders, granulators, temperature controllers andchillers. The combination of the individual areas under the umbrella of the WITTMANN Group enables perfect integration – to the advantage of injection molding processors with an increasing demand for seamless interlocking of processing machines, automation and auxiliaries.


Wiener Neustädter Strasse 81

2542 Kottingbrunn


Tel.: +43 2252 404 - 0



Author: Wittmann Battenfeld CZ spol. s r.o.

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