Injection molding - Training

Basic technology of injection molding

Spoločnosť Mapro Slovakia, školiace centrum organizuje v dňoch 24.11.2009 - 27.11.2009  školenie : Základy technológie vstrekovania plastov  (školenie 4 dni)


Bc. Marcela Forgáčová
Mapro Slovakia s.r.o.
tel.: 045/678 09 15
fax: 045/678 09 29
mob.: 0902 904 802


Author: MAPRO
  • MAPRO Solution a.s.

    MAPRO Solution a.s.

    Haitian injection molding machines, fully electric ZHAFIR VENUS injection molding machines, screws, cylinders, Moretto peripherals, PCB peripherals,...
    Bystrovany 339

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