Protective partitions for public operations from TITAN - Tatraplast s.r.o.
Vzhľadom na vzniknutú situáciu ohľadom šírenia koronavírusu (COVID-19), sme schopní v krátkej dobe vyrobiť a doručiť ochranné kryty (transparentné/netransparentné z PMMA/PC/PET-G) podľa vašich požiadaviek a zadaných rozmerov.
Aktuálne vyrábame ochranné kryty pre:
- lekárne,
- verejné miesta (samosprávy),
- obchodné prevádzky,
- čerpacie stanice,
- autobusy,
- a všade tam, kde treba preventívne chrániť zamestnancov.
Pre rýchle dodávky ochranných krytov sme vo výrobe vyčlenili kapacity.
V prípade záujmu prosím kontaktujte náš obchodný tím: Ing. Michal Kondra,
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TITAN -Tatraplast s.r.o.
Sales of polycarbonate and polypropylene barrel full of polycarbonate, plexiglas, PE, PVC, PA, PVDF, plastic welding machines and Wegener, welding...
Trends in plastic injection moulding: venting structures
7.2.2025 In plastic injection moulding, most of the venting takes place through the parting planes. However, conventional venting solutions are often not sufficient, resulting in low injection efficiency and part quality problems.
Cooperation: Recycling, CRUSHING, Production of foil bags
13.3.2025 | ID 19588 -
Sell: PP cierny extruzny regranulat MFI 1-3
13.3.2025 | ID 19587 -
Sell: PP MFI 25 transparent
12.3.2025 | ID 19586 -
Sell: LDPE waste yellow film 20 tons
12.3.2025 | ID 19585 -
Sell: EPS Hranol
12.3.2025 | ID 19584 -
12.3.2025 | ID 19583 -
12.3.2025 | ID 19582 -
12.3.2025 | ID 19580
Buy: LDPE film in bales
10.3.2025 | ID 19571 -
Buy: LDPE film in bales
10.3.2025 | ID 19566 -
Buy: LDPE film in bales
10.3.2025 | ID 19563 -
Buy: LDPE film in bales
5.3.2025 | ID 19548 -
Buy: regrind PA 4.6 ex Stanyl TW 341 natur
20.2.2025 | ID 19492 -
Buy: PET transparent trays, only Central Europe
17.2.2025 | ID 19478 -
Buy: PET transparent trays, only Central Europe
10.2.2025 | ID 19448 -
Buy: Purchase from operations - Paper and cardboard packaging, foils
29.1.2025 | ID 19405
Sell: PP cierny extruzny regranulat MFI 1-3
13.3.2025 | ID 19587 -
Sell: PP MFI 25 transparent
12.3.2025 | ID 19586 -
Sell: LDPE waste yellow film 20 tons
12.3.2025 | ID 19585 -
Sell: EPS Hranol
12.3.2025 | ID 19584 -
12.3.2025 | ID 19583 -
12.3.2025 | ID 19582 -
12.3.2025 | ID 19580 -
Sell: Plastics moulding plant
12.3.2025 | ID 19579
External Sales Representative
24.2.2025 | ID 19496 -
Product Manager for spare parts in the industry
20.2.2025 | ID 19491 -
Salesman in the Field of Plastics Recycling (Regranulation) - DALGA GROUP s.r.o.
23.1.2025 | ID 19380 -
Molder/Toolmaker - ULSTRUP PLAST s.r.o.
23.1.2025 | ID 19377
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