TD-IS, s.r.o. invites to the fair For Industry

The company TD-IS operates more than 20 years in business, DMS / PLM / ERP technologies.

TD-IS dodává DMS/PLM/ERP/MES a Autodesk CAD/CAM/CAE řešení pro průmyslové podniky.

TD-IS zve na veletrh For Industry

Navštivte nás na For Industry 2016 - Hala 4, stánek B22

TD-IS, s.r.o. »

Author: TD-IS, s.r.o
  • TD-IS, s.r.o.

    TD-IS, s.r.o.

    Prototyping, simulation, analysis, plastic injection simulation, Autodesk Moldflow simulation software, CAD / CAM for mold production, CAD / CAM...
    Sladkovskeho 43

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