Drainage pipes, pipes system

Registered Companies for Drainage pipes, pipes system

  • FMP a.s.

    FMP a.s.

    Injection molding, plastic products, tool shop, design and production of molds, plastic products...
    Nový Svět 89/4
    Praha 1 – Hradčany
  • Simona Plast-Technik s.r.o.

    Simona Plast-Technik s.r.o.

    SIMONA thermoplastic semi-finished products, plastic fittings, plastic pipes, tubes, hoses, pipes,...
    U Autodílen 23
    Litvínov - Chudeřín
  • Plastika, a.s.

    Plastika, a.s.

    Plastic processor and supplier of plastic products, plastic pipes, piping systems, sewer systems,...
    Novozámocká 222, P.O.Box 52
  • FLOMAK s.r.o

    FLOMAK s.r.o

    Plastic semi-finished products, plastic profiles, plates, rods, plastic water meter shafts, water...
    Textilná 22
  • BB AQEX s.r.o.

    BB AQEX s.r.o.

    Wastewater treatment plants, swimming pools, oil traps, grease traps, plastic atyps, galvanic baths...
    Stavebná 22
    Banská Bystrica
  • UPT, s.r.o.

    UPT, s.r.o.

    Wastewater treatment plants, grease separators, water meeter shafts, Tanks for industry, piping,...
    Kysucká cesta 3 (areál Sloveny)