Ultrasonic technology

Registered Companies for Ultrasonic technology

  • DENIOS s.r.o.

    DENIOS s.r.o.

    Shelves, shelving systems - Storage technology, plastic packaging, magnets, magnetic separators,...
    Na Jelence 1330
  • DREKOMA s.r.o.

    DREKOMA s.r.o.

    Industrial humidifiers, MERLIN - TECHNOLOGY, humidification and measuring technology, adiabatic...
    Pražská 636
    Suchdol nad Lužnicí
  • PLASTIKA a.s.

    PLASTIKA a.s.

    It supplies plastic components for industrial applications, plastic moldings, plastic surface...
    Kaplanova 2830
  • ZÁLESÍ a.s.

    ZÁLESÍ a.s.

    Production of plastic parts, plastic injection, construction, development and production of...
    Uherskobrodská 119