Sady, s.r.o.

The company Sady, s.r.o. offers its clients comprehensive solutions in the field of rainwater capture and its efficient use.

In the company's portfolio you will also find wastewater treatment plants, septic tanks, cellars, cesspools, fire tanks and many other solutions for households, developers, municipalities and cities.

The range of products is suitably complemented by solutions in the field of garden, e.g. rainwater barrels, hoppers, pots, supplies for winemakers, farmers and much more.

Assortment / Services

Wastewater treatment plants - for domestic use, Ecobox

Above ground tanks - for the transport of water and other liquids

Underground tanks - suitable for burying in the ground, Roterra

Water meter shafts - are made by rotary forming technology, which ensures a long service life

Septics - two-chamber septic tanks designed for the collection of wastewater from households and catering facilities

Plastic cellars - we supply as a turnkey solution

Accessories - seals, extensions, extension extensions

Garden - pots, flower pots, water in the garden

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