FORT-PLASTY s.r.o. will also present its new products at MSV Brno 2021.
exhibitions and workshops
Technical Plastic Parts, moulding products
Plastics and Rubber products
MSV Brno
Plastic products
The 62nd International Engineering Fair in Brno will open its doors on November 8 - 12, 2021. The company FORT-PLASTY s.r.o., which operates in the field of plastics processing using thermoforming and hot air welding technology, will also be part of this year's fair.
Firma FORT-PLASTY sa vracia, aby predstavila svoj kompletný sortiment a ukázala novinky.
Budeme veľmi radi, keď zavítate na náš stánok číslo 122, ktorý sa bude nachádzať v pavilóne V.
Tešíme sa na Vašu návštevu.
FORT - PLASTY s.r.o.
Air ducts, tanks, collecting tanks and atypical plastic products, industrial plastic fans, thermal, vacuum, rotational molding.
KraussMaffei TechCenter Days are approaching once again – don’t miss this unique opportunity to visit the production and development facilities
5.3.2025 - 2.4.2025 Last year, KraussMaffei held its first-ever TechCenter Days at its new production facility in Parsdorf, Germany. Covering approximately 250,000 square meters, the site features modern manufacturing halls for injection molding machines, PUR and...
14.3.2025 | ID 19597 -
14.3.2025 | ID 19596 -
Sell: Plastics moulding plant
14.3.2025 | ID 19593 -
Cooperation: Recycling, CRUSHING, Production of foil bags
13.3.2025 | ID 19588 -
Sell: PP cierny extruzny regranulat MFI 1-3
13.3.2025 | ID 19587 -
Sell: PP MFI 25 transparent
12.3.2025 | ID 19586 -
Sell: LDPE waste yellow film 20 tons
12.3.2025 | ID 19585 -
Sell: EPS Hranol
12.3.2025 | ID 19584
Buy: LDPE film in bales
10.3.2025 | ID 19571 -
Buy: LDPE film in bales
10.3.2025 | ID 19566 -
Buy: LDPE film in bales
10.3.2025 | ID 19563 -
Buy: LDPE film in bales
5.3.2025 | ID 19548 -
Buy: regrind PA 4.6 ex Stanyl TW 341 natur
20.2.2025 | ID 19492 -
Buy: PET transparent trays, only Central Europe
17.2.2025 | ID 19478 -
Buy: PET transparent trays, only Central Europe
10.2.2025 | ID 19448 -
Buy: Purchase from operations - Paper and cardboard packaging, foils
29.1.2025 | ID 19405
14.3.2025 | ID 19597 -
14.3.2025 | ID 19596 -
Sell: Plastics moulding plant
14.3.2025 | ID 19593 -
Sell: PP cierny extruzny regranulat MFI 1-3
13.3.2025 | ID 19587 -
Sell: PP MFI 25 transparent
12.3.2025 | ID 19586 -
Sell: LDPE waste yellow film 20 tons
12.3.2025 | ID 19585 -
Sell: EPS Hranol
12.3.2025 | ID 19584 -
12.3.2025 | ID 19583
External Sales Representative
24.2.2025 | ID 19496 -
Product Manager for spare parts in the industry
20.2.2025 | ID 19491 -
Salesman in the Field of Plastics Recycling (Regranulation) - DALGA GROUP s.r.o.
23.1.2025 | ID 19380 -
Molder/Toolmaker - ULSTRUP PLAST s.r.o.
23.1.2025 | ID 19377
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